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Ecosystem Reserve


Ecosystem Reserve


Ecosystem Reserve



Ecosystem Reserve


A Nature Reserve of 800 hectares of mature rainforest, meadows, and abundant springs, along the banks of the Curriñe River and right next to the Chihuio Hot Springs, at the northernmost tip of the Chilean Patagonia. Located in the mountainous area of Lake Maihue, Los Ríos Region, Chile

An agroecological oasis among the lush rainforests of the Andes Montains...

 ...where social life blends harmoniously with nature

Laniakea Ecosystem Reserve

Our goal is to facilitate the integration of human beings with nature through ecosocial regeneration

Schedule your meeting with us on our virtual calendar!

We’re searching for our new members

Come and join us!

Laniakea Reserve is located in the mountainous area of the XIV Region of Los Ríos, adjacent to Chihuio Hot Springs, 60km from Futrono and 154km from the regional capital, Valdivia. It has excellent access suitable for all types of vehicles. The nearest villages are Chabranco at 7.5km, Curriñe at 13.5km, and Puerto Maihue at 15.5km

    • North: Oporto Stream, Private Estate

    • East: Andes Mountains, Border with Argentina.

    • South: Pedregoso Stream, Chihuio Hot Springs

    • West: Curriñe River, Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve

  • Futrono: 60km

    Lago Ranco: 85km

    Panguipulli: 161km

    Osorno: 160km

    Valdivia: 154km

    Pichoy Airport: 160km

  • Puyehue National Park: 202km

    Mocho Choshuenco Reserve: 211km

    Pico Toribio Park: 56km

    Valdivian Coastal Reserve: 215km

    Olivillo Reserve, Curiñanco: 180km

    Alerce Costero National Park: 181km

    Oncol Park: 180km

    Chaihuín Beach: 210km

    Mansa Bay: 218km

    Pilolcura Beach: 184km

    Corral Bay: 189km

A privileged location in the basin of Lake Ranco, north border of the Chilean Patagonia


Explore the beautiful meadows of Laniakea through our captivating 3D model

Infrastructure that blends with nature

Laniakea Reserve incorporates the essential infrastructure to comfortably accommodate members and visitors, serving agroproductive, educational, and environmental protection purposes, reflecting and facilitating the transition towards a regenerative lifestyle.

Public Reference Images

Join Laniakea!

Offer your family the unique opportunity to live in communion with nature

¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

Specialists committed to ecosocial regeneration

Valeria Leiva Constenla

Founder and Strategic Director

  • Public Administrator. University of Valparaíso (UV).

  • Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences.

       University of Valparaíso (UV).

  • Diploma in Contemporary Political Studies.

       University of Santiago de Chile (USACH).

  • Certified in Permaculture Design.

       Ecoescuela El Manzano - Gaia Education

  • Certified in Ecovillage Design.

       Ecoescuela El Manzano - Gaia Education

Aquaponic  Systems Developer

Consultant in Regenerative Settlement Design and Implementation



“Our goal is to regenerate, integrate, and protect ecological, social, economic, and cultural systems, creating a synergistic and interdependent network that enhances the comprehensive development of all the beings within it.”


© 2023 by Laniakea.

Pre-sale of Property Memberships in Laniakea, a smart investment for the future.

By investing in a Laniakea Property Membership, you secure your place on one of our agroecological plots spanning 6,000 and 12,000 square meters. Here, your project will thrive with the support of our Ecosocial Regeneration Center, which will provide you with knowledge and tools for the sustainable management of your space, and if you wish, it will free you from fieldwork while you reap the benefits of your investment. Your peaceful place in nature, where beauty and tranquility converge to provide you a prosperous and protected environment.

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